Small shifts, big impact
The wheel of change is always rolling. No matter how things feel in the moment, there is always one thing we have in our control: what we focus on. It is easy to forget this in the moment, and just as easy to get back on track– remind yourself: “Where your focus goes, your energy […]
We hear about “values” and “authenticity” all the time, and they always suggest a person’s “character” or “influence” on television. But have you ever really sat down and thought about what all of these different terms mean? And have you ever considered how these things might relate to implementing successful change for our companies and […]
“The kind of person you are is what determines your influence, which, in turn, is what determines your success.” Chris Widener, The Art of Influence I believe inviting others to Your Table, ultimately gets you invited to The Table. If you want a say in things at a higher level, start inviting people to your […]
“I want to maximize adoption and optimize the success of my Salesforce implementation.” As a Salesforce implementation partner, I hear this all the time from my clients and am always thinking about the best place to guide them in focusing their energy while trying to build up some momentum within their company. And it all comes down […]
You are the variable. Your company will achieve the goals they are looking for, they have to if they want to grow and or survive. How they get there, how long it takes, what end solutions are focused on, the collaboration that happens (or doesn’t)… so many things about the journey will be driven by […]
I have always loved the yin-yang. For so many reasons. The biggest, representing my passion for the gray areas. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the extremes – taking a breath and stepping back to consider all the layers of things takes practice and intention. We, as people, aren’t one thing. We are […]
When I was young, I would tirelessly ask my parents questions. About everything. And in the 80s-90s, there was no internet, so they had to get really creative! And to this day, I have never stopped asking questions. Most of them are about the history of things and how things work or are hypothetical or […]
Being critical or cynical is very different than being curious. Questions have nothing in common with judgments and opinions. In fact, you should throw away everything you think you know when figuring out the real questions you have. When we are leading change, we almost always don’t know what we don’t know. The only way […]
If you are like me, you might have done some searches on the internet about this “agile” thing over the years. And you most likely came across terms like “stories”, “scrum masters” and “sprints” all over the place! Then, you might have had the thought that this seemed really complicated and ultimately was not something […]
The Bottom Line, join and participate in the success community! First, if you have not joined SteveMo’s “Who owes me a beer?!?” group on the community then you need to do that right now. Go ahead. I will wait here. Not only is this group a direct line to SteveMo, the most famous Salesforce MVP in […]
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