
Category: cross-functional

The More you Ask

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When I was young, I would tirelessly ask my parents questions. About everything. And in the 80s-90s, there was no internet, so they had to get really creative! And to this day, I have never stopped asking questions.  Most of them are about the history of things and how things work or are hypothetical or […]

Be a Change Agent: An Epic Battle

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A change agent is a person from inside or outside the organization who helps an organization transform itself by focusing on such matters as organizational effectiveness, improvement, and development.” I know that Salesforce administrators are the embodiment of the “learners” referenced in this quote: “In times of change, learners inherit the Earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped […]

Salesforce Admins are Employee-preneurs

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One of my favorite ways to pass the time is to reflect on the choices and events of my life that have led me to this point. It is fascinating that so many specific choices had to come into play for me to end up right here, right now. The reason I do this is always around the […]

Bringing all the troops to the project

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Writing a use case is an ideal way of getting organized and making sure you are not missing any key components for the deliverable you are working on. Going through the exercises outlined below for any project you take on will help in many ways, the most important being: (A) transferring everything from your head to […]