
Trailhead is a Playground in the Matrix

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If you want to learn more about Salesforce, it has NEVER been easier. As a Salesforce Administrator we are often asked by people in our organizations how they can start learning more about using Salesforce (because SFDC RULES!).

Now, we have a great resource to direct them to.. and it is FREE and it rewards you with POINTS and BADGES when you complete modules successfully and it is INTERACTIVE.. yes, you get HANDS ON EXPERIENCE while you learn. AND OMG IT GETS BETTER… Salesforce keeps adding more and more modules all the time.


Now that you are ready to get started… here is exactly what to do:

1. Sign up for a FREE Salesforce Developer Org HERE

IMPORTANT NOTE: A free dev org is a resource provided by Salesforce for FREE. Literally. No catch. Anyone can sign up and login to their own dev org where they can learn to customize Salesforce. You can even get your kids, nieces, nephews, anyone, anywhere to sign up and start learning now!  It is not part of a real production environment… it is just for you… think of it as a playground in the matrix.

2. After you get your email confirmation that the free dev org is created, you can login at –just be sure to use the new dev org user name and not any other work login!

3. Now go to Trailhead and start earning points and badges! That’s right… Trailhead gives you incentives to learn. So just start working through the modules. Find one that interests you and get going — you just read the module and then do the exercises in your free Dev org. Click the “Check Challenge” button when you are ready to see if you get the points (if not, it will tell you where you went wrong!). Instant feedback, instant results.

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I know, this blew my mind when I fist learned about it too.
